Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Racist Teens'

I've been seeing a lot of teenagers putting up racist videos on youtube. I don't put full blame on the teenagers who do it. Its obvious they were not born racist. Their parents must have had something to do with the reason they are racist. I think its really stupid to talk bad about a race and put it on the Internet. You are basically shouting out loud in public that you are racists. It is not surprising that racism still exists, but I think these teenagers are really dumb and should be taught not to hate another race.

Monday, 5 March 2012

“Am I ugly?”

I just read the article Am I Ugly and I am surprised that there so many teenagers who make videos asking if they are pretty or ugly. I do not know why they would post it on the internet, that to me is the worst place to ask a question about looks. The internet is full of cyber bullies or 'trolls' that make fun of other people because it makes them feel better. Putting a video on youtube asking if you look good is inviting the 'trolls' to make fun of you. I think its really dumb doing something like this and parents should tell there kids not to do this.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Lit. Circle

The two books I choose as my top two were I Robot and Lord Of  The Flies. The Discovery of Witches was one of the first books that was off my list because it has romance and magic. Also Outliers because the description was not that great. I picked I Robot and Lord Of The Flies because those were the only two I had recommendations for and that caught my eye. I choose these books because they seem very interesting. I Robot was a great movie and if the movie was good then the book should be good too. Lord of the Flies seem very interesting because it has a lot of violence and its kids who do it.